Week 13 Reading: 7 Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art, Part B

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Image on Wikimedia
This is a continuation of my Epified “7 Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art” YouTube video notes. Secret 2, Part B is on the god Narayan, and his secret is “What dies is always reborn.” Whereas I had known a little bit about the god Ganesha before taking my Part A notes, I did not know anything about Narayan before watching this video. The video is almost half an hour long and worth watching.
The very beginning was fascinating to me and made me interested to know more about Narayan. There is an image in the video of Narayan waking up from a sleep, and this is when the universe begins. However, assuming that Narayan wakes and sleeps in a cycle just like everyone else, it must be that the universe has existed before and is now beginning again now that the god is awake once more. So, the universe either or exists or does not exist whether or not Narayan is awake, and each time he wakes is a new beginning.
Something else interesting is that Narayan takes on different names for the different roles that he plays. When the world represented by Lakshmi in her cow form is in trouble, he rushes to aid her and is called the “cowherd.” When he is in his awakened form, he is not called Narayan anymore, but the all-powerful Vishnu.
Furthermore, I liked the aspect of creation in this video, as it is discussed in a subjective way rather than an objective one. For the listener to understand, the narrator gives the analogy of a person sleeping. When we are asleep, “our world” ceases to exist, as we cannot interact with “the world” around us. He states that “Creation is not an objective construction - it is a subjective realisation.” If there is no observer, there can be no observations made.

If you would like to watch this series, click here: link.


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